As technology advances and becomes increasingly intertwined with our day-to-day, so too does the threat of cybercrime. It has become a major global problem and is particularly picking up speed in Asia because of the region’s rapidly expanding economy and rising reliance on technology.

It’s alarming because a lot of cybersecurity threats pose lasting damage to brand equity, not just immediate financial losses. So, now more than ever, it has become crucial for businesses in Asia to protect themselves from cybercriminals.

Why is Asia a target for cyberattacks?

The growing number of internet users in Asia makes the region an attractive target for cybercriminals. With a rapidly rising number of internet users in Asia, the region provides a large pool of potential victims of cyber attacks. In addition, many businesses in Asia do not have adequate cybersecurity measures in place, making them easy targets for cybercriminals. The Asian region is also economically important to many nations, making it a lucrative target for cyber attacks.

Rising number of internet users

The rising number of internet users in Asia has made the region a prime target for cybercriminals. With more than 1.2 billion people using the internet, cybercriminals can find a large pool of potential victims to exploit. This presents a challenge for businesses as they need to take extra precautions to protect their customers and data from malicious actors.

Singapore’s $27 billion internet economy is a prime target, as evidenced by the fact that cybercrime now makes up 26.8% of total crimes committed in the state.

Low awareness of basic cybersecurity measures

While cybersecurity isn’t exactly given adequate attention in western countries, Asian countries are even less equipped to defend themselves against the growing threat of cybercrime. Over half of the businesses in Asia lack adequate cybersecurity investments, leaving them vulnerable to malicious activity. This increases the risk of data breaches and financial losses for these companies, which can have devastating effects on their bottom line.

Loose cybersecurity laws

One of the biggest reasons Asia has become a prime target for cybercrime is that Asian governments often lack stringent cybersecurity laws. This means that cybercriminals can often operate with impunity in certain jurisdictions, making it easier for them to launch cyber attacks against businesses in the region.

For example, breach notification regulations are still in the proposal stage in Malaysia. On the other hand, private voter information has been leaked from the data servers of the Philippine Commission on Elections. And in the Singapore cybersecurity space, companies report that some of their clients get 54 cybersecurity attacks per day and that keeping up has become a challenge.


4 Most common cybersecurity threats in Asia

With over 48% of supply chain players in the Lion City reporting to having been attacked at least once in the past year, it’s important to keep Singapore cybersecurity up to date or suffer huge losses as it is largely dependent on the supply chain.

The cost of cybercrime in Asia is a problem that is continually on the rise due to the expansive economy and technological advances. This cost includes not only direct damages but also indirect productivity losses. Cybercrime is a major threat to businesses as it can result in data loss, reputational damage, and financial losses.

In order to calculate the cost of cybercrime, one must first consider all of the potential ways a business can be impacted. These impacts can be direct or indirect, immediate or long-term. The most common types of cybercrime are data breaches, viruses and malware, phishing attacks, and denial-of-service attacks.

Data Breaches

Data breaches occur when confidential information is accessed without authorization. This information can include customer data, employee data, financial data, and trade secrets. The goal of a data breach is usually to steal information or money, but often times the motives are more malicious such as political gain or espionage. 

Data breaches can have a number of consequences for businesses, including regulatory fines, legal action from customers or employees, and loss of business due to reputational damage.


Viruses and malware are malicious software designed to damage or disable computer systems. Viruses often spread through email attachments or by downloading infected files from the internet. Malware can be used to collect sensitive information such as login credentials or banking information, disable security features on a computer system, encrypt files for ransom, or launch denial-of-service attacks. 

The consequences of viruses and malware can include system downtime, data loss, and financial losses.


Phishing attacks are emails that appear to be from a trusted source but are actually from an attacker trying to trick the recipient into clicking on a malicious link or attachment. Phishing attacks can be used to collect sensitive information such as login credentials or banking information, install viruses or malware on a victim’s computer, or redirect victims to fake websites where they input personal information that is then stolen by the attacker. 

The consequences of phishing attacks can include system downtime, data loss, and financial losses.


Denial-of-service attacks are designed to make computer systems unavailable by flooding them with traffic or requests for resources. Denial-of-service attacks can be used to disable websites or online services, making them unavailable for legitimate users.

The consequences of denial-of-service attacks can include system downtime and lost revenue.


Cybersecurity in Asia, especially in the financial hub of Singapore, is of utmost importance. Businesses must be aware of the potential risks associated with cybercrime and take steps to protect their data, systems, and operations from attack. By staying up-to-date on the latest threats, such as upgrading from a VPN to ZTNA networks, and having a comprehensive cybersecurity plan in place, organizations can minimize the risk of costly losses due to cybercrime.

Ultimately, businesses owe it to themselves, their customers, and their stakeholders to ensure they are protected from cybercriminals. With the right security measures in place, organizations can dramatically reduce the risk of data breaches, viruses, phishing attacks, and denial-of-service attacks. Investing in cybersecurity is an important part of doing business in today’s digital world.


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